I found myself in need of fence work so I decided to try a crazy idea and post my photography services under the barter section on Craigslist. I received several responses from folks willing to do my fencing in order to receive a free portrait session and edited images on a disc. I met a husband and wife handy team who responded immediately to my ad. Together we worked out the details of our exchange and the self employed couple, Patrick and Rhonda Robinson began working on my fence just a few days later. They put up my entire fence and finished it all in one day. We shot their family portraits the next day at Carl Cowan park and everyone was happy with our Craigslist experience.
If you have a project that needs taken care of you can reach them at 865-206-6805 or 865-947-6844 email, rhndrt@frontiernet.net. They are very nice folks so give them a call.